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Prenatal & Postpartum Care

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Our office is now reopen and we are scheduling patient appointments. At this time we request when you come for your scheduled appointment that only

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Prenatal & Postpartum Care

“It was really nice to get your call and know you guys were thinking about us. Thank you so much for all your help throughout my pregnancy. It made a HUGE difference to me.”

Because expectant women have unique healthcare needs, we provide specific physical therapy treatment to pregnant women, and we can help you with:

  • Sacroiliac pain
  • Incontinence
  • Low back & hip pain
  • Sciatica & pelvic pain
  • Aching feet & swelling legs

Conservative management of physical discomfort due to pregnancy generally includes the performance of appropriate exercise and the use of proper body mechanics. Often treatment by a physical therapist experienced in prenatal and postpartum rehab can be very helpful in minimizing or alleviating discomfort due to pregnancy.

The main goal of treatment is for you to maintain an optimal level of function throughout your pregnancy and to have the least amount of discomfort.

Typical treatments from your therapist may include:

  • Hands-on treatment such as soft-tissue work, massage, gentle mobilization and stabilization exercises
  • Instruction in proper posture
  • Instruction in specific body mechanics for routine activities such as housework, job performance, child care, and sleeping
  • Instruction in a home exercise program appropriate for your stage of pregnancy
  • Self-help techniques for pain management and mobilization.

Remember, while discomfort is fairly common during pregnancy, it should definitely not be accepted as just part of the process. To help make your pregnancy as pleasant as possible and facilitate an easier delivery, pain should always be addressed as quickly as possible and managed throughout your pregnancy.