Female Sexual Pain After Cancer

As more patients with cancer are surviving and living longer lives, new challenges emerge that may be difficult to address. For many female survivors, one of these challenges is a disturbance to their sex life. Many physicians and patients are unprepared to discuss these issues, and feel uncomfortable talking about them. This leads to conditions being overlooked and untreated.

A systematic review by two leading gynecologists found that prevalence of sexual pain ranged from 29 to 64%. The most common causes of sexual pain in women after cancer treatment are related to surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and hormonal changes.

Women’s Health PT can help with sexual pain, and allow these women to move forward through their recovery. Our Pelvic Health Therapist is also a member of ISSWSH, and is completing her fellowship in women’s sexual health with this organization.

Here is an excellent article that was published by Cure magazine that details the review. If you are having sexual side effects from cancer treatments, treatment is available! If you are interested in learning how our services can help you, call today to schedule an evaluation. You do not need a physician referral to schedule with our clinic. We look forward to meeting you soon!

Physical Therapy May Help Kids with Constipation

Constipation in children creates a hardship on the parent and child. Research shows that physical therapy can help the problem. When potty training is paired with exercises to improve posture and strengthen pelvic muscles many children have an easier time going to the bathroom.

If constipation has persisted for a long period of time, behavioral issues of withholding stool or postponing defecation, or if a child seems unable to have a bowel movement even when trying are indications that a pelvic floor physical therapy evaluation could be beneficial.

A pelvic physical therapist can give recommendations on dietary changes, positioning on the toilet to make it easier for the child to go, and exercises to aid in successful bowel movements. This article published on Fox News Children’s Health blog gives great information on statistics for children in pelvic physical therapy.

If your child has issues with constipation or urinary or fecal incontinence this is something that our therapists can help with. Please contact our office to schedule an evaluation today!

Now Offering Custom Breast Prosthesis

Avila Physical Therapy Chosen as Specialty 3D Breast Prosthesis Center

American Breast Care (ABC), an international leader in post-surgery breast care products, has chosen Avila Physical Therapy in Greenville, NC, to be one of only twenty regional 3D breast prosthesis centers in the US. Avila’s physical therapist, also a certified mastectomy fitter, is specially trained in using ABC’s innovative 3D imaging process to create custom fitting breast prostheses as unique as the women who wear them. Previously, 3D imaging of this kind was available only in larger metropolitan areas, but through this partnership, Avila is proud to bring the advanced technology and specialized care to eastern North Carolina.

As a regional 3D breast prosthesis center, Avila offers patients exceptional custom fitting services. 3D imaging captures each patient’s exact chest contours quickly and easily, allowing for the creation of lightweight, comfortable, and realistic breast prostheses, complete with a wide variety of skin colors and nipple sizes from which to choose. Women looking for a non-surgical alternative to breast reconstruction can turn to Avila for help, compassion, and individualized care in an upscale, boutique-like setting.

Understanding treatment options and therapies after breast surgery can be overwhelming, but Avila’s Allyson Daugherty, PT, CLT, CFm, is an expert in post-mastectomy care with over eighteen years of physical therapy experience. The process of creating custom fitting breast forms, according to Daugherty, “used to be very cumbersome and time-consuming, and the results were not always satisfactory.” Of ABC’s advanced 3D imaging technology, Daugherty states, “Now the process is quick, and significantly more accurate.” Appointments for imaging are one hour long, during which time the 3D scan is taken, creating a detailed map of the patient’s chest. Daugherty reviews the scan and breast prosthesis design to be sure each prosthetic breast form created will best meet patients’ needs for balance, symmetry, and comfort. Breast prostheses are made and returned to Avila within six to eight weeks, at which time patients return for a fitting in Avila’s private, post-mastectomy dedicated fitting room.

Along with offering 3D imaging for custom fitted breast prostheses, Avila has the region’s largest selection of mastectomy products. Avila is dedicated to helping patients through every step of the process, including understanding and filing for insurance coverage. Patients do not need a physician’s referral to make an appointment for a private consultation at Avila. To learn more about Avila’s newest custom breast prosthesis, or to request a consultation, contact Avila at 252.215.5225 or visit our contact page.

About Avila’s Physical Therapy

Avila was founded in 2008 by Allyson Daugherty, PT, CLT, CFm. The practice aims to provide comprehensive evaluation and treatment of conditions related to cancer rehabilitation, lymphedema, pelvic health, sexual health, and prenatal/post-partum care. Avila prides itself on compassionate one-on-one care and attention for both women and men in a private, comfortable setting.

Young Survival Coalition


The Young Survival Coalition is an organization designed to empower, educate, and support young women diagnosed with breast cancer. There are over 150 support systems in place across the US. There is also one located right here in Greenville, NC. They offer many resources through their website, https://www.youngsurvival.org/. No woman should have to face breast cancer alone and that is why YSC was formed.

Rehabilitating Cancer Care

It seems as if weekly we hear from a patient “why didn’t my doctor or surgeon tell me I would have these problems?” This is a common question after breast cancer surgery. Surgeons and Oncologists are focused on removing the cancer and focusing on a cure. Patients have learned to accept the pain and challenges as just a “new way of life.” Most patients do not know how to ask their providers or tell them what it is they need. They are so thankful for these doctors who have saved their lives, and are unsure how to bring up their new problems of limited daily function. “Just dealing with it” should not be the solution. Rehabilitation prior to and after surgery helps significantly impact a patient’s quality of life and physical functioning in everyday life.

Some issues patients may have are limited range of motion in their arm or shoulder, pulling in the chest or underarm, and myofascial pain like axillary webbing syndrome (cording). Physical therapists with special training can help with all of these issues, as well lymphedema concerns. It doesn’t matter if it has been just a few weeks since surgery or years, rehabilitation is possible. Physical therapists work with the surgeons and oncologists as part of the treatment team to enable patients to return to their usual activities they were able to do before their surgery.

In the State of North Carolina patients do not need a physician referral or prescription to attend physical therapy. They are free to schedule their own appointment. The most important thing for survivors to understand is that they deserve the opportunity to function optimally no matter their cancer.

Avila Physical Therapy specializes in breast cancer rehabilitation, as well as providing post mastectomy fitting services for patients that are in need of bras or breast prosthesis. Just like with physical therapy, a patient does not need a referral or prescription before coming in for a fitting, our office obtains all paperwork necessary on the patient’s behalf. We take post mastectomy fitting patients on a walk-in or appointment basis. If you have any questions about our services or wish to schedule an appointment please give us a call today at 252-215-5525.

Cure Magazine posted an excellent article on ‘Rehabilitating Cancer Care’, click here if you would like to read the article in full. Survivors and Caregivers can also subscribe to Cure Magazine for free on their website.

You Do Not Have To Live With Urinary Incontinence!!

You do not have to live with urinary incontinence!!

Recently there seems to be an increase in advertisements for urinary incontinence. Companies are promoting their bladder leakage pads, or their bladder support systems. While these ads focus only on the symptoms we can help solve the problem itself!

Urinary leaking is very common— at least 50% of all women will experience urinary leaking during their lifetime, and 30% of women will leak urine during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Urinary leaking is common in men as well, particularly post-prostatectomy.

Below are some misconceptions about urinary incontinence and how pelvic physical therapy can help:

  • If you’ve had kids, you have to live with urinary incontinence.
    • While urinary leaking is common with women during and following pregnancy, it’s not something you have to live with! Many changes occur during pregnancy and childbirth which make urinary leaking more common, such as weakened pelvic floor muscles or tears that occur during delivery. However, these muscles can be trained and strengthened with targeted exercise.
  • Urinary leaking is a part of normal aging.
    • Urinary leaking may be common in older adults, but it isn’t “normal.” Our body experiences many changes as we age, which may make leaking more frequent, but it isn’t inevitable or unchangeable.
  • Drinking less water will prevent you from leaking
    • The only sure thing reducing your water intake is going prevent is good hydration. Reducing your fluid intake makes your urine more concentrated, which can make urinary leaking worse, not better. Proper hydration is important for improving urinary leaking as well as total body health.
  • Surgery is the only treatment option.
    • Urinary incontinence can be caused by a variety of things, including weak or poorly coordinated pelvic floor muscles, bad habits, and more. Surgery isn’t appropriate for all kinds of leaking, and isn’t the only option in cases where it may be appropriate. Surgery is considered when other options, such as behavior changes and pelvic floor muscle training, have failed.
  • If you experience leaking, just do lots of Kegels to strengthen your muscles.
    • Not all leaking is from weak pelvic floor muscles. Muscles can be tight or poorly coordinated, so pure strengthening may not help the root issue. Additionally, many people don’t know how to properly perform a Kegel or pelvic floor squeeze, so they may not be using the muscles they’re trying to strengthen.
  • Urinary leaking only happens to women.
    • Many men have urinary leaking following prostate cancer treatment. Healthy habit changes and pelvic floor muscle training are effective in both men and women of all ages.

This is an informative article about urinary incontinence and how we can help!

Many women and men live with urinary incontinence on a daily basis. There is help to correct the problem! Visit our website to request an appointment or call our office at 252-215-5225 to schedule your evaluation today. Gain control of your incontinence, don’t let it control you!

Why Every New Mom Needs Physical Therapy

Pregnant and postpartum moms have lots of changes to their bodies! We can help you get stronger and stay strong after delivery. We can provide manual techniques, progressive exercises, and body mechanics training for all child care activities to protect your back and belly! More information in this article! Call to schedule your appointment today!

Help for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction during Exercise

We understand that talking about pelvic floor dysfunction can seem embarrassing for some women and, oftentimes, they brush off symptoms as something all women experience and “normal”. We can help get you back to an actual your actual “normal” at Avila Physical Therapy.

Kara Vormittag, M.D. is a sports medicine physician that estimates pelvic floor dysfunction affects more than 30 percent of women in the general population, and is likely higher—more than 40 percent—in female athletes. While many of us aren’t athletes, as women we should be exercising a minimum of three times a week to help keep our bodies healthy and strong and a leaky bladder can sometimes get in the way or completely eliminate our ability to do so.

“Anyone who is leaking or experiencing pelvic pain during exercise should be evaluated by a pelvic PT, because this is not normal.” says Allyson Daugherty, owner and physical therapist at Avila Physical Therapy in Greenville, NC. “No woman should be limited in her daily activities and it’s time we work together towards a solution.”

Kegels are often prescribed to women for strengthening of their pelvic floor, but a strong pelvic floor is not necessarily a functional one. All of these muscles are meant to work together rather than in isolation.

Diaphragmatic Breathing, sometimes referred to as abdomen or belly breathing, is the first key to learning how to relax those deep core muscles Engaging this group of muscles is equally as important as doing your kegels, especially to female athletes who enjoy running or fast walking.

If you are experiencing any bladder leakage or pelvic discomfort, please open that conversation with one of our therapists and let us help you find your new “normal”.

For more information on exercise and your deep core muscles, please read this informative article published recently in Runner’s World.

Do I Need a Referral or Prescription Before Making an Appointment?

No_RX_NeededThe short answer is NO!

North Carolina is considered a “direct access” state for a physical therapy evaluation. This means that our patients do not need a referral or a prescription from their doctor to receive a physical therapy evaluation at Avila Physical Therapy. Nearly all health insurance plans, including Affordable Care Act plans, offer physical therapy as a benefit, many with a low copay amount per visit. To provide you with the lowest out-of-pocket expense, we always check insurance benefits prior to our patients’ visit. Our office manager can help with any questions.

This also applies to patients who wish to receive post-mastectomy products from our office. We handle all necessary paperwork for this, including a prescription for your new products. After you call to schedule your fitting, one of our certified practitioners will assist you in finding the right fit that will suit your needs. We can fit you for both mastectomy bras and breast prosthesis that will be both comfortable and stylish. Typically, we are able to send you home with your new products on the same day, so be sure to reach out and let us help you feel beautiful and confident again.

Please call us at 252-215-5225 if you would like to schedule an appointment. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your care. Avila Physical Therapy strives to make each patient experience both easy and enjoyable. Your comfort is our number one priority. If there is anything we can do to improve your visit or make you feel more at ease, please let us know.